Pigeon, Beetroot and Granola Tommy Banks April 10, 2015 Food, Recipes This recipe is a simplified version of a restaurant dish designed for home cooking. At The Black Swan we would normally cook the pigeon in a waterbath at 60°c, we garnish with forced chard leaves (grown in the dark in our garden) and we would also make a rich pigeon sauce to accompany.
Carrot, Goat’s Curd, Cobnut and Fennel Tommy Banks April 10, 2015 Food, Recipes This is a simple dish that is all about show-casing the amazing fresh carrots and cobnuts picked straight from the garden. We use the last of the fennel tops before they are cut back for winter (you can also infuse rapeseed oil with the fennel tops which is a nice additon to the dish)
Damson Sour Tommy Banks April 7, 2015 Drink, Recipes, Spirits The idea of a “sour” is to use a strongly flavoured spirit, then add lemon juice to make it sour, but then balance with sugar if needed. To make the Damson Gin Mix 2.5L gin, 2kg damsons and 400g...