A delicious and nutritious summer supper

  • 60mins + marinding
  • 4
  • Medium


  • 4 fillets wild sea bass
  • 1kg Jerusalem artichokes, chopped into 1/2cm pieces
  • 350g unsalted butter
  • 4 leeks
  • Vegetable oil
  • 2 bunches baby leeks
  • 2 punnets cherry tomatoes
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Pinch Salt
  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil


Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place in a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, and mix well. Leave to marinade for an hour. Remove the tomatoes and place on a tray in the oven for two hours at 60C.
Roast the artichokes in a hot pan with oil until light golden brown, then gradually add 250g of butter until it starts to foam. When the artichokes are dark golden brown in colour, drain away all the fat using a sieve.
Wash and dry the leek to remove any dirt. Chop two of the leeks into 1cm pieces, then sweat in the remaining butter. Once soft, remove from the pan and blend until smooth. Pass the mixture through a sieve and season with salt and pepper.
Finely slice the remaining two leeks into small strips then wash in cold water. Leave somewhere warm to dry. Pre heat a fryer to 180C and once hot, place in the dried leek and fry until golden brown – this will only take a few seconds. Remove from the fryer and leave to drain on some kitchen towel.
Cut the baby leeks into 3cm pieces and cook in boiling salted water.
Using a hot non-stick pan add a little oil and then place the sea bass skin side down until crispy. Turn over and place in the oven for 6-10 minutes. Depending on how thick your sea bass is it may need longer.
Season the fish with lemon juice and salt and serve with the artichokes, leek puree, baby leeks and dried cherry tomatoes.

About The Author

This small renowned restaurant has been a part of Ilkley since the early sixties. Now owned by husband and wife team Simon and Rena Gueller , the Box Tree continues to aim to be the best. The modern French classical menu and extensive wine cellar offer food lovers an unforgettable experience.

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