• 45
  • 4
  • Medium


Poach the eggs in boiling water for two and a half minutes. Remove from the pan, refresh in ice water, then leave to dry on to paper towel.

Here’s where you will need a bit of kit. Japanese vegetable turners are great to have in the kitchen and you can pick them up relatively cheaply these days. Place the potato in the turner and as you turn it will deliver very thin strips or potato, which look not unlike spaghetti.

Dry the potato on paper towel. Completely wrap the egg in potato and then deep fry until golden brown.

Place the garlic in a large pan and cover with the oil, add the haddock and cook for five minutes each side or until done. Once cooked, place on a tray to cool down

Boil the crab for 15-20 minutes, then cool under running cold water. Once cool, pick off the meat

Pick the crab once cold check for any shell using your fingertips and run thought the crab.

Mix the haddock mix with the crab and season with lemon zest, juice, salt, grounded with pepper.

Place on the plates, with the deep fried eggs on top.


About The Author

This small renowned restaurant has been a part of Ilkley since the early sixties. Now owned by husband and wife team Simon and Rena Gueller , the Box Tree continues to aim to be the best. The modern French classical menu and extensive wine cellar offer food lovers an unforgettable experience.

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